The Avengers

After seeing the end of both Iron man and The Incredible Hulk, Avenger fans are waiting in anticipation for the release of The Avengers movie. Who will play Captain America?

X-MEN Origins: Magneto

Magneto has an amazing mutant power and is worthy of making this movie.
Gears of war

X-MEN Origins: Gambit

One of my all time favourite comic book heroes, this would be an epic movie if done right.

The Green Lantern

There has been rumors of a Green Lantern Movie


Megaman the movie? ok so um.....yeah. Really?

The Hobbit

Reading The Hobbit was an awesome experience, but seriously the hobbits in Lord of the rings were just plan old creepy

Batman and Superman movie

fan made or soon to be reality?
I'm interested in multimedia applications such as photoshop and movie maker. I watch way to many movies! I'm addicted to them!
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Wolverine claws suck!

Posted by MASSiV3G

You cant have wolverine claws without the mutant healing powers, this is from Greg and Lou. These guys can be very funny. cookie?

Lord of the ring = Jack Black

Posted by MASSiV3G

Jack Black is seen here portraying a hobbit for mtv awards. old but still funny!

Cool guys dont look at explosions

Posted by MASSiV3G

Why is it that all the cool guys outta movies always walk away and never look back?

You just blew something up....dont you wanna see it? I mean you dont get to see that very often. Very funny tho. these guys are called The Lonely Island

Gremlins in Exorcist

Posted by MASSiV3G

Lol!, the part where the gremlins head turn around, awesome animation from this guy!Dude has skills!

Predator costume

Posted by MASSiV3G

The mask comes off.....yay, working predator face!Hang on, since when does the predator listen to Mariah Carey? and the guy in this is a bit little for a predator but still I cant say he doesn't look the part, awesome costume.

Batman has gremlin troubles!

Posted by MASSiV3G

I just found this and all i can say is wow, awesome job, gremlins look incredible.

Arnold gets his rap on!

Posted by MASSiV3G

Ok this is a little slow but the voice is a spot on impersonation.

More and more fan made movies and posters are being made and shown on youtube and other area's of the net. Some fans have really amazing idea's for movies, other idea's are just funny. Checkout the posts if your a movie fan!